Students and staff are thrilled with the results achieved, in the first GCSE examinations since the pandemic. The Y11 students from Horizon, recorded the best evert results in the school’s history.

Our results are significantly higher than national average against other PRUs and Alternative Provisions, demonstrating how high the quality of education is in this school. Students have worked incredibly hard with the staff here to attain these results and we are incredibly proud of all of our Y11s.

The percentage of students across the trust who have achieved passes once again improved and is significantly higher than national average. In addition the average grade in school was a grade 3 at GCSE, which is a truly remarkable achievement, particularly when considering the context of each student and the amount of secondary education they had missed, prior to coming to Horizon.

Mr Gordon, Headteacher, is delighted with the results, saying:

“Our students have worked incredibly hard with our staff to achieve these results, with many overcoming individual challenges to do so.  The high standards that we set ourselves in this school clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the provision that we have in place, which allows us to fulfil our vision of enhancing the life chances of our students. At Horizon we have two main goals – firstly, for all students to secure the outcomes needed to go onto their first choice at Post 16, and secondly, for students to leave here as the very best versions of themselves so they can make a positive difference to local and wider communities.

My thanks go to the staff for their drive and commitment to ensuring our students succeed, and to all parents, carers and governors for their support. We couldn’t achieve this without the excellent partnership work between home and school.

I am extremely proud of our students – these results are a fitting highpoint of their incredible efforts and dedication. Most importantly, these results will now allow every student to progress to their first choice at Post 16 and the next stage of their lives with confidence in their abilities to succeed. My congratulations go to every single one of them, and I wish them every possible success in their future. “

Some of our Y11 leavers, Ben, Nathan, Jack and Harry left some final words of wisdom for future Y11 cohorts:

“Work hard from the September and don’t leave yourself too much to do at the end”

“Listen to the teachers at Horizon, they really know what they are doing and just want the best for you”

“Learn from your Mocks near Christmas, if you don’t understand something in the mock paper, ask the teacher to go over it again so you feel more confident”

“Work hard now and the exams will be fine; revise as early as you can don’t worry too much about the exams, as long as you work hard you will do really well”