We teach English Language and Literature at The Horizon School to not only ensure students leave with the skills they need to progress to the next stage of their education, but to also ignite their interest in the cultural and social connections that can be made through the study and interpretation of language. The skills that students can aspire to are:
Read and understand a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts.
Through reading and discussion, increase vocabulary use and knowledge.
In writing, students will aspire to write clearly and creatively, using literature and discussion as inspiration.
At Horizon, literature and language are combined in a sequence of learning that uses the text/s studied to inform the basis for practice in writing creative and non-fiction writing pieces. Development and progression in knowledge of literary techniques and vocabulary is an essential starting point in sequencing lessons to ensure pupils can engage and apply what they know to the texts as they study them. Coverage for exam preparation is paramount for KS4 pupils as many students have gaps in learning that must be addressed in order for GCSE examinations to be accessible. The KS3 programme is also built around using literature as a basis for writing, but works on building skills of analysis and writing for purpose, identifying any gaps in knowledge and personalising the learning to fit the need of each individual pupil. In both Key Stages, the long term plan is highly personalised to the students in the current cohort as it needs to consider what is revision and what is initial teaching in the case of KS4, as well as considering literary skills and knowledge at KS3. We use Key Performance Indicators to assist with planning for specific students to ensure that regardless of year group, pupils are accessing learning at the appropriate level for their ability and have a clear route of progression.
The intended impact from this focus is that students will be equipped to navigate and contend with the final GCSE exams in order to maximise their potential for moving on to further education and/or employment. The aim is for students to have an appreciation for creativity and know how that can reflect, or allow escape from, real life. Students will have the confidence and ability to apply their skills in everyday life and allow those skills to help progress with their life choices. In turn, our students will leave The Horizon School and make a worthwhile contribution to society.
Digital copywriter.
Editorial assistant.
English as a foreign language teacher.
Magazine journalist.
Newspaper journalist.
Our subjects

Defining spiritual, moral, social, cultural development within Science
With the use of creative writing, pupils are given the opportunity to use their imagination. Pupils are set pieces of work in which they must reflect on experiences from their past. Work within English gives pupils the ability to reflect on their own beliefs, religious or otherwise, that inform their perspective on life and their interest in, and respect for, other people’s faiths, feelings and values. Pupils are given the opportunities to explore different faiths and cultural diversity.
Using group discussion and the effective use of questioning and answering, pupils are given the ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong, whilst understanding the consequences of their behaviour and actions. Pupils are taught to respect, understand and appreciate the viewpoints of others.
Pupils are taught about the importance of decision making and how to weigh up the positives and negatives of a decision. The aim is to develop pupils’ skills allowing them to demonstrate skills and attitudes of how they can participate fully in, and contribute positively to, life in modern Britain.

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